American Cats: The Good, The Bad, & the Cuddly

DOCTOBER, OFFICIAL SELECTION. PRESENTED BY WHATCOM HUMANE SOCIETY When Amy Hoggert of FULL FRONTAL WITH SAMANTHA BEE set out to explore America’s relationship with its feline friends, she expected to immerse herself in the world of cat influencers and assorted feline fanatics. What she uncovered was something else entirely—a “nationwide catspiracy” with political implications, focused on the declawing of cats, which some estimates say is a billion-dollar-a-year business. It’s a story so incredible it has to be true.American Cats: The Good, The Bad, & the Cuddly showing at: October 21, 3:20 pm
American Cats: The Good, The Bad, & the Cuddly

Location: Pickford Film Center1318 Bay St, Bellingham, WA, 982253

Amy Hoggart
Todd Bieber
Grace Leeson
American Cats: The Good, The Bad, & the Cuddly"
Pickford Film Center