The Day Iceland Stood Still

DOCTOBER, OFFICIAL SELECTION. PRESENTED BY CASCADIA INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S FILM FESTIVAL + WWU INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS ASSOC. The morning of Friday, October 24, 1975 started much like any other in Iceland—but that normalcy would not last long. Some 90 percent of the nation’s women went on strike, refusing to work at home or at their jobs. Schools and shops closed, women dropped their children off at their husbands’ workplaces, and by the time the historic day was over, Iceland had been brought to its knees. The story of the day itself and its aftermath—it’s safe to say the strike had its intended impact—is told by the women themselves, with great joy and no small amount of humor.The Day Iceland Stood Still showing at: October 26, 3:45 pm
The Day Iceland Stood Still

Location: Pickford Film Center1318 Bay St, Bellingham, WA, 982253

Pamela Hogan
Pamela Hogan
Hrafnhildur Gunnarsdóttir
Sam Jinishian
The Day Iceland Stood Still"
Pickford Film Center